Universal life plan

FWD Embracing Changes 2.0

A safe and flexible financial plan combining protection and investments with guaranteed interest rates


Cover should you have late-stage cancer


Additional disability income support


Guaranteed interest rates

24/7 E-withdrawal - first time in the market

24/7 E-withdrawal - first time in the market

Learn more about this plan

Learn more about this plan
Get to know this plan
What and how we pay out
What and how we pay out

Protection benefits

Late-stage cancer cover
10 times your annual premium, up to 30% of the sum assured
Total and permanent disability cover

Whichever is higher of the following:

  • Your target premium account value
  • Sum assured

Plus your excess premium account value + income support of 50% of the sum assured

Please note your plan will be terminated should this be paid out

Loss of life cover

Whichever is higher of the following: 

  • Your target premium account value
  • Sum assured

Plus your excess premium account value

Please note your plan will be terminated should this be paid out

Investment benefits
Crediting rate from FWD Universal Life fund

Your account will earn interest according to performance of our Universal Life fund. This will not be lower than our guaranteed interested rates

Please refer to the product brochure for more details on our guaranteed interest rates

Policy maturity benefit
You'll receive your full policy account value on the policy anniversary date, after you turn 80
A celebration of you turning 80
We'll also give you an extra 20% of the sum assured on the policy anniversary date, after you turn 80
3. Enhanced benefits
Loyalty bonus
Every five years from Year 5 to Year 20, we’ll give you a loyalty bonus equal to 50% of the accumulated interest from your target premium account value (taken as an average from the preceding five years)
The opportunity to increase your sum assured with no health exams

You can request to increase the sum assured at the following key milestones without any health exams:

  • Getting married
  • Having a baby or adopted children
  • Your child(ren) starting primary, secondary, high school or university
Want to maximise protection for your family?
Attaching the right add-ons to your basic plan will go a long way to maximise the cover for you and your loved ones. Interested in designing a bespoke solution to suit your needs? Check out our suggest below.

Dad (life assured)

Dad (life assured)
FWD Embracing Changes 2.0

FWD Care Health insurance 2.0

FWD Care Critical Illness insurance 2.0

FWD Care Enhanced Waiver of Premium 2.0

FWD Care Death and Disability insurance

The not-so-small print

Useful links