
Investment-Linked Insurance

FWD Double Assets 2.0

An insurance plan combining protection and investment, assisting you on the journey of achieving your mental freedom and getting closer to your financial freedom

Available to buy via:

  • FWD agents
  • Vietcombank
  • Nam A Bank
  • HDBank
  • Agribank

Build up your wealth towards your financial freedom


Protect "invisible assets" for the journey of mental freedom up to 380% Sum assured


Maximise flexibility and increase proactiveness

Learn more about this plan

Learn more about this plan
Get to know this plan
What and how we pay
What and how we pay

Protection benefits

Total and permanent disability (TPD) or Death

100% Sum assured + The policy account value.

FWD only pays TPD benefits if it is not a pre-existing condition.

For more details, please refer to Section 8.1.1 - Product Terms & Condition.

Accidental total and permanent disability or Accidental death

100% Sum assured + The policy account value + Extra 100% Sum assured.

This benefit will be paid when FWD accept the payment of TPD or Death benefit as stated in Section 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 - Product Terms & Condition.

Automatically increased Sum assured without Health underwriting

Every three years from Policy year 4 until Policy year 19, your Sum assured will be automatically increased by 15% (increase from the Sum assured you have in Policy year 1). No increase in premium and no added health exam.

Investment benefits

Enjoy investment advantages from FWD Investment-linked funds.

• Easy and convenient investment with Investment-linked fund.

• Diversify portfolio with 6 Investment funds and 2 Fund management companies.

• The equity portfolio pioneering the market, with specialized strategies to maximize investment opportunities in medium and long term.

• The portfolio of bond, term deposit and certificate of term deposit.

• Flexibility to adjust investment plans at any time and completely online.

Loyalty bonus

Every 3 years, from Policy year 3 to Policy year 18, we will give you a loyalty bonus: 3% of average Target premium account over the last 36 months.

Please refer to the product Terms & Conditions for more details on our Loyalty bonus.

Protection bonus

At the Policy year 10, year 15, year 20, you will receive 100% paid Cost of insurance.

Please refer to the product Terms & Conditions for more details on our Protection bonus.

Maturity benefit

At the Maturity date, the Policy Fund Value will be payable:

• The number of Units; and

• The Unit price of the relevant Funds as of the Next Valuation date following the Maturity date of this Policy.

Additional benefit

Non-lapse guarantee benefit

The policy will be guaranteed to remain in-force, even if the account value cannot cover COI and admin charge during first 3 years of the Policy if the following conditions are met:

• Policyholder will pay the full target premium of basic plan; and

• Policyholder will not withdraw money from the account value.

Please refer to section 8.3 – Terms & Conditions for more details on Non-lapse guarantee benefit.


1. FWD shall not pay protection benefits if the insurance event is the direct or indirect result of any of the following

• Suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane within 24 months from risk commencing date or policy reinstatement date, whichever is later

• Illegal Act committed by the Life Assured, the Policyholder or any beneficiaries. In case there is more than one Beneficiaries and one or some of them committed Illegal Act(s) against the Life Assured directly or indirectly resulting in the insured event under this Policy, the Company shall still pay an insurance benefit to any remaining Beneficiaries according to the ratio indicated by the Policyholder in the Insurance Policy.

2. Customers have an obligation to fully, honestly and accurately declare all the information required to be declared. In the event that you intentionally violate the obligation to declare truthfully or intentionally declare false information or do not declare important information, at any time FWD may terminate the application form or approve the application form with additional conditions.

Important information includes, but is not limited to, health status, occupation, income that if FWD knows, FWD will only accept the application form with condition or accept application form with a higher premium or not accept application form.

For details, please refer to Section 2.2 – Product terms & condition.

3. Customers have 21 days from the date of receiving the Contract for the first time to consider whether this Contract is suitable for your needs or not. During this period:

• You need to review the entire Contract, including the information of the Insured and the Policyholder stated in the Certificate, the application form to ensure that all information is recorded fully and accurately. You need to inform FWD immediately if you find any information that is not recorded fully or accurately for timely adjustment.

• You can request to cancel the Contract in writing to FWD or through the forms and electronic applications provided by FWD, in case you decide not to continue maintaining the Contract, and receive back the initial premiums paid, without interest, after FWD deducts any health examination fees and any amount that FWD has paid to the Policyholder, if any.

For details, please refer to Section 3.1 – Product terms & condition.

Want to maximise protection for your family?

Attaching the right add-ons to your basic plan will go a long way to maximise the cover for you and your loved ones. Interested in designing a bespoke solution to suit your needs? Check out our suggest below.

(main life assured)

(main life assured)
FWD Double Assets 2.0

FWD Care Health insurance 2.0

FWD Care Critical Illness insurance 2.0

FWD Care Critical Illness Waiver of Premium 2.0

FWD Care Enhanced Waiver of Premium 2.0

FWD Care Accident insurance

The not-so-small print

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