We need the following paperwork from your doctor, hospital or clinic. It’s fine to send us copies of these documents.
For out-patient medical treatment
- Your medical bill and / or VAT invoice (we need this for all expenses over VND200,000) along with the list of treatment showing any breakdown of expenses
- Medical report(s) with treatment details
- Any prescriptions
- Any lab-test results, lab scans or image results
For in-patient (overnight) medical treatment or if you've been in hospital for surgery (even if you haven't stayed overnight):
- Your medical bill and / or VAT invoice (we need this for all expenses over VND200,000) along with the list of treatment showing any breakdown of expenses
- Medical report(s) - if you've had surgery / had cancer treatment / had organ transplant / been hospitalised for over 10 days
- Hospital discharge note
- Any hospital transfer note – you can get this from the hospital you are transferring from
- Any prescriptions
- Any lab-test results, lab scans or image results
- Any surgery records
Helpful note: Always keep original copies of any documents until after your claim has been processed. This is because we may need your original documents to help us assess your claim.