A guide to making a claim for healthcare treatments

How to file a healthcare benefit claim

1. Collect your supporting documents
2. Download and fill out the required form
3. Submit the form and any supporting documents

We need the following paperwork from your doctor, hospital or clinic. It’s fine to send us copies of these documents.

For out-patient medical treatment

  • Your medical bill and / or VAT invoice (we need this for all expenses over VND200,000) along with the list of treatment showing any breakdown of expenses
  • Medical report(s) with treatment details   
  • Any prescriptions
  • Any lab-test results, lab scans or image results

For in-patient (overnight) medical treatment or if you've been in hospital for surgery (even if you haven't stayed overnight):

  • Your medical bill and / or VAT invoice (we need this for all expenses over VND200,000) along with the list of treatment showing any breakdown of expenses
  • Medical report(s) - if you've had surgery / had cancer treatment / had organ transplant / been hospitalised for over 10 days
  • Hospital discharge note
  • Any hospital transfer note – you can get this from the hospital you are transferring from
  • Any prescriptions
  • Any lab-test results, lab scans or image results
  • Any surgery records

Helpful note: Always keep original copies of any documents until after your claim has been processed. This is because we may need your original documents to help us assess your claim.

Important things you should know

The above is a guide only. We may need other documents in order to accurately assess your claim. For more details, please read the terms and conditions of your policy. If you need help, please call FWD Customer Care on 1800 969690 (toll free). Or you can send us an email via CustomerConnect.vn@fwd.com.

How we deal with claims at FWD, and what you need to know


When should I submit my claim?


How long will it take for my claim to be approved?


How will you pay me?


When will you pay me?


What if I have a question?